The project takes its name from the ancient Café Loti in Istanbul, a crossroads of cultures, where travelers stopped to talk, get to know each other and exchange ideas.
The trio composed of Pejman Tadayon, Nando Citarella and Stefano Saletti retraces the atmosphere of this place of exchange, ideally breaking down the barriers between East and West, between the North and the South of the world. The three musicians, who have been engaged in research on popular music from the Mediterranean and East for years, create a bridge between past and present, between music in this original and suggestive project ” cultured ”and popular, between western and eastern tradition.
Their sound journey, on the routes of history, starts from Spain, meets with the French trobadours, the popular cantatas of the Center-South Italy , crosses the song in Sabir, crosses the ancient silk roads and Persia, to then transform itself and become a new music, capable of exciting, enchanting and dragging the listener. To demonstrate that music is the language of the possible, where the encounter with the other enriches, transforms, innovates. This was the case for centuries before barriers and walls were raised, children of fear and ignorance.
Tammorra resounds on a Greek bouzouki, saz, setar and oud accompany marranzano and tenor singing. In the repertoire we find, in addition to original compositions, pieces from the Spanish Sephardic tradition, medieval cantigas, pieces of Persian classical music , madrigals, tarantella, popular ballads. A music festival that crosses the Mediterranean on the routes of ancient travelers.
Nando Citarella: voce, tammorre, chitarra battente, marranzano
Stefano Saletti: oud, lauta, bouzouki, voce
Pejman Tadayon: saz, oud, bamtâr,setâr, ney, voce
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